With the youth volunteers within our association, we’ve attended a course on Project Cycle Management with the help of Toy Youth Association and Tepebaşı Youth Center on 3rd and 4th of September. On the first day we’ve started with discovering the extent of our knowledge, and we’ve searched for the answers for the questions such as “What is a Project?” and “How can it be written?” through non-formal and interactive education models. With the help of activity promoting games, we’ve ended the day fatigued but happy.
On the second day of the Project Cycle management course, we’ve examined current projects to learn about the project writing points to be cautious about. At the end of the day, we’ve gathered around tables to write projects using what we’ve learned during the two days of the course. We’ve experienced how exciting yet laborous project writing can be during the allotted time we were given.
We are thankful to our dear friends at Toy Youth Association and Tepebaşı Youth Center who allowed us to use their offices for the duration of the course and for the two days in which we’ve had fun while we learned.